Thursday, June 15, 2017

Something white is biting me

this all started one day in 2015 when one of my friends came from out of town in sleep on my front room couch I'm not sure if these thing are mites or parasites. There white in look like lil rice coming out of pores. They feel like something moving under your cloths sometimes they bite face or skin I'm not sure how to treat them or kill them I tryed Tea Tree Oil I tryed washing  my hair 2 times a day cause it feel like they move in hair. It's hard to treat cause going to the doctors won't help cause the doctors think it's dry skin. I looked it up in seen other people have this problem. I stop it some washing my hair 3 times a day In Hydrogen Peroxide bath will help in they are contagious well if they get on other people they will do the same thing . These little things are not lice in you will have to vacuum everyday. These things been driving me crazy if anybody got any idea what they are in how to treat them comment below ?

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