Having the feeling that something is moving on hair well your not alone there's a lot of people delling with this problem. Most people might take there are lice but when u brush your hair you don't see anything and you pretty tryed different shampoos nothing seem to help this could be 2 things that can cause this problem
1 is a demodex mite infestation
Demodex mits is tiny mites that live in the hair follicle. In humans these mites is found on facial skin especially the forehead, cheeks, side of the nose, eyelashes and external ear canals it sometimes cause a condition called demodicosis
When there's a infestation
It can cause redness, itching skin a moving feeling and hair lost,black forehead
Mites on human skin
There are about 65 known species of demodex mites. Only two of those species have been identified as regularly living on humans: demodex folliculorum and demodex brevis. Demodex canis lives predominantly on domestic dogs, but can occasionally infest humans.Demodex mites live in hair follicles and sebaceous (oil) glands on the skin. Sometimes they are known as eyelash mites. Both species are primarily found on the face near the nose, the eyebrows and eyelashes. They also occur elsewhere on the body, such as in and around the ears, in ear wax, on the scalp, and in skin folds.
Demodex folliculorum mites live in the hair follicles. The adult mites are between 0.3 mm and 0.4 mm long, with a semi-transparent body. You can see fully grown adults with the naked eye, but a microscope is useful for a more reliable examination.
Demodex brevis live in the sebaceous glands connected to hair follicles. The adult mites are up to 0.2 mm long, with a semi-transparent body. You need a microscope to examine a plucked hair or thick oil squeezed from a gland to check for infestation.
The mites eat skin-cells, hormones and oils (sebum) which accumulate in the hair follicles. Their digestive system is so efficient and results in so little waste that they have no excretory orifice. At night they leave the hair follicles and come out to mate. Eggs are laid deep in the hair follicles or oil glands, and are impossible to wash out. You have to wait for them to hatch, and then treat the mites.
Mites' eggs, clawed legs, spiny mouthparts, salivary enzymes, and particularly their decaying bodies after they die in a follicle, could all provoke an immune response, but this generally doesn't seem to happen. It is possible that they could even have a beneficial effect by eating bacteria or other micro-organisms in the follicles.
The eggs are laid 15-20 days after mating, and the legged larvae hatch 3-4 days after the eggs are laid. It takes about a week for the larvae to develop into adults. The total lifespan of a demodex mite is about two weeks. The dead mites decompose inside the hair follicles or sebaceous glands. Mite treatment must last 12 week
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or if u want the shampoo
one of the best tea tree oil shampoo out Tea Tree Shampoo
Tea Tree oil is the most effective way to treat mites
ParaCleanse - Black Walnut & Wormwood - by Dr Hulda Clark
ParaCleanse - Black Walnut & Wormwood - by Dr Hulda Clark
Skin worms is one of the most dangerous parasite because there hard to treat . People can get skin worms from tree and leafs the parasite borrow into the skin these worms can be felt be the human they host they bite your face they can eat tissue from human skin or take your nutrients that humans need to have good health the doctor can't find these parasite in blood test so don't feel crazy if u still think u have parasites after test. These parasites can cause skin problems in rashes,bites,bumps pain in other problems it seems like u can't do anything to stop them but the treatment is
Low in take of sugar
No soda must drink water
U can eat raw garlic or ginger
Eat papaya seeds or pumpkin seeds
Or black walnut or clove
I have parasite cleaners link on here in they are some of the best cleansers out there
These thing only work weight a good diet of low sugar
This skin worms can make u feel down in out and drive u crazy these worms can be blue or clear
They can travel all over the body cause skin to turn dark or leave dark marks
In muscle twitching the cleanse must be done for 30 days
If u have this problem or need help or more info comment in I'll help you the best way I can
Thanks for reading
they can leave bumps in the hair and the feeling of something moving
Hook worm, ring worm, parasitic disease, scabies skin infection or Fungus
this is the parasite cleanse out I tried this it works 100% I have a link on my blog if u want to buy this
and for any parasite cleanse to work u must cut down on sugar, fruits, soda, and high sugar foods the sugar feed parasites I hoe this help you and yall have a bless day thank you
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