Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Do Parasites Move inside Your Body

There are some parasites that you can feel inside your body they can even move inside your face, feet, legs, stomach when you get the point where you can feel parasites there maybe a parasites infection inside your body

 this is one of the parasites that can move inside your body in you can feel it 
Giardia lamblia 

The Parasites can cause a lot of problems like skin rash, liver damage and brain damage if not treated after years 

The most powerful way to get rid of them is 

Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade

click here if you want to Buy 

This will kill any Parasite no matter what it is. Its even good for kids to take
it drys the parasite out and kills them and it has not chemicals in it
this is a all Natural Mineral and its great for the body as well

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

White things biting me

This is one of those topics that can go other way
Mites are real tiny and live inside pores of skin they eat dead skin or oily dead skin
There is 52 different mites I'm not going talk about the other ones only the ones that live on skin
These little mites can drive u crazy they move around under your cloths they bite sometimes they borrow in skin and leave red marks and black marks

These mites can live under water
They can live off the body for 2 days

U must clean up everyday vacuum everything everyday
These things can go from person to person

These mites aren't skin parasites
They are different

Mites can be white , clear , or yellow looking

Tea Tree oil is one of the best ways to kill mites
 Cayanne pepper it's another way the a bath in set for a hour in the water

I'm a new blogger
If u need help dealing with mites or parasites please in I'll try my best
Thank you

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Parasite Treatment

this some the best way to do a parasite cleanse naturally and detox
herbs, oils , foods

this is a different treatment

Dr Clark Parasites Cleanse Review

The ParaCleanse is Dr. Hulda Clark’s flagship protocol for cleansing the body of foreign microorganisms. The cleanse features our highly potent GREEN Black Walnut Hull Tincture, Cloves and Wormwood – a well-regarded trio of herbs to help the body balance the internal microbial population.  

This systemic cleanse supports the body’s defenses with natural compounds that discourage the proliferation of harmful organisms. Because microorganisms can be transmitted by animals and unclean food and water sources, the ParaCleanse is ideal for pet owners and people traveling abroad. The 18-day cleanse protocol does not require a change in diet. And it can be modified to administer to pets and children, under adult supervision. The uniqueness of the ParaCleanse lies in the green color of the Black Walnut Hull Tincture. Black Walnut Hull tinctures have been favored for their antimicrobial properties. But not just any tincture will do. Dr. Hulda Clark knew the importance of tincture potency. That’s why she insisted on using GREEN Black Walnut Hull tincture to support the body’s natural defenses against foreign organisms. The green color comes from using only the young, green hulls from black walnut trees. The immature hulls have a higher juglone concentration than mature brown hulls. Juglone, the active compound from the hull, is the essence of any walnut hull tincture, making GREEN tinctures more potent and more effective than brown or black tinctures due to higher juglone content. Walnut hull tincture is delicate and will start to oxidize once it has been opened and exposed to air. Over time the oxidation process results in a color change, but also in a loss of potency. To help retain the greenness and potency of your tincture, it’s recommended to use the tincture within six weeks of opening the bottle for the first time.

More information on Dr Clark Parasites Cleanse in this video below

I try this cleanse and it work its one of the best parasite cleanse out there come with
1- Green Black Walnut Hull Tincture, Extra Strength, 2 fl. oz, 1- Cloves Capsules, 500 mg, 100 ct, 1- Super W Blend Capsules, 365 mg, 100 ct

Links on my blog if you want to buy
Thanks and have a blessed day 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Why Your Parasite Cleanse not working

Hey how ur doing if u had bought a parasite cleanse in it's not working. One of the reason your parasite cleanse is not working because of sugar in take you can not it a lot of sugar doing a cleanse cause it's not going work. Sugar feeds parasites and make them harder to kill. Drinking soda or juice now days has a lot of sugar and foods it's take 2-3 weeks to kill parasites in there eggs if eating the right foods n drinking water

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Top 10 Natural parasite cleanse That Kills all Worms

1 raw garlic
2 clove
3 blackwalnut
4 ginger
5 papaya seeds
6 wormwood extract
7 pau d'arco
8 pumpkin seeds
9 grapefruit seed/rind
10 orange peel